I am passionate about helping tutors feel empowered and confident in their role. 

Check out some of my work here!


The Tuition Model

The tuition model is a way of presenting your rate as a monthly fixed cost rather than an hourly fee. It also allows you to preemptively account for missed sessions so that you don’t have to schedule make-ups or give credits/refunds.

I have connected this method to invoicing via my accounting software and almost fully automate the accounting portion of my job. I hope this video helps if you are considering this switch!

Error correction Tips for Reading Tutors

Error correction is a specific form of feedback.
When done well, it can:

–Prevent the student from feeling overwhelmed about how/what do do next
–Give the student a crystal clear task that is specific to what the tutor wants them to achieve

–Be an immediate way for the tutor to provide a single focus that they want to bring attention to

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